My name is Alain and I can tell you straight off the bat that my daughter was the main reason why I decided to start selling wigs.
Misty was an eighteen-year-old teenager and she was as girlish as they came, she was a huge fan of female musicians. Beyonce, to be specific.
Misty had this thing, this obsession over whatever Beyonce wore, especially her wigs. If she saw a music video of Beyonce's or she saw that the star's outfit to an event or outing had a wig in a style or color she hadn't seen before, she made sure she went out to search for it and get it.
It was almost funny to watch if not for the fact that most of the time she spent hundreds to thousands of dollars on fake wigs. Sometimes, the wigs she bought were either made with very low-quality materials and damaged very easily, or the prices were just too high above the acceptable price range.
So I decided to try and see if I could get commercialized human hair to sell at cheaper rates for my daughter and many of my friends who liked to use human hair for their usual fixes.
I went to factories all over the world in India, China, and Brazil in my search for the best wigs before I finally found the best.
Over the course of my journey, I was able to view the wig making process and assembly line to see how things were done.
Finally, one day, I went over to the factory to purchase the wigs and I was told that they would be delivered as soon as possible.
I got my first order of wigs and bundles of human hair exactly when I was told to expect it and I didn't hesitate to call my friends to let them know that i was now going to be able to satisfy their hair needs without them having to go to the trouble of ordering their products from any of the fake sellers they got their expensive human hair from.
I also created a really nice website and called it, making Misty scream in glee when I showed it to her the night it was ready for orders.
That's our story! Beyonce Wigs was born out of the same frustration you feel about not being able to get affordable and quality wigs.
Here are answers to some of the questions you may have for us.
Why choose us at Beyonce Wigs to supply you with what you need when it comes to hair and wigs?
Well, we have really high-quality wigs that are sold at low factory prices. You do not have to worry about the quality when you buy from us because we know how it feels to buy something that isn't good enough for us, we make sure to control the quality for you so you can attest to the fact that we simply have only the best for you to choose from.
Beyond selling you beautiful and quality hair, our mission is to help inspire confidence in yourself and empower you to look and feel your best at all times and on all occasions.
Our customers are at the center of our world and everything we do.
We also like to think of ourselves as a best friend of sorts, someone who is always dedicated to being there for you all the time, no matter the situation.
Need some hair advice, especially when you have a new look you're trying to go for? Want to request a new product that we just got? Or do you have a question you want to ask us?